The Tale of Mandavisarpini the Flea and Agnimukha the Bug

The Tale of Mandavisarpini the Flea and Agnimukha the Bug

The Tale of Mandavisarpini the Flea and Agnimukha the Bug

In a certain country, nestled within the miniature world of bugs and fleas, there reigned a wise and kind-hearted king. His royal abode was adorned with opulence, and the pièce de résistance of his bedroom was an exquisite white silk sheet that graced his grand bed. In the folds of this luxurious sheet, a petite white flea had found her dwelling, and her name was Mandavisarpini.

Mandavisarpini was not an ordinary flea. She was a connoisseur of blood, and her favorite source was none other than the king himself. With grace and finesse, she would feed on the king’s blood, and in this peculiar occupation, she found happiness.

One fateful day, an uninvited guest crept into the king’s bedroom. This uninvited guest was none other than Agnimukha, a bug of dubious reputation. When Mandavisarpini spotted him, she couldn’t contain her dismay and exclaimed, “Agnimukha! What brings you here? Leave at once!”

Agnimukha, however, responded with unexpected wisdom, “Madam, even if one’s guest is of lowly status, a gracious host should extend a warm welcome. I believe in the principle that a lady householder should show kindness to all visitors, regardless of their caste or status. Instead of chasing me away, you should greet me warmly, offer a comfortable seat, inquire about my well-being, and share the latest news.”

Moreover, Agnimukha had another motive for his visit. “I have tasted various types of blood,” he confessed, “but the blood of a king, I assume, must be extraordinarily sweet. I have come here, famished and eager to experience it. Mandavisarpini, why should you savor the king’s blood all to yourself? Let me partake in this rare feast.”

Mandavisarpini hesitated, expressing her reservations. She reminded Agnimukha that she only drank the king’s blood when he was deep in slumber, while he, Agnimukha, had a penchant for biting like a sharp needle. Nonetheless, she made a proposition: “If you promise to wait until I have enjoyed my share of the king’s blood, then you may partake.”

Agnimukha eagerly agreed, swearing to abide by their agreement. Little did they know that their words would be put to the test very soon.

As they conversed, the king returned to his bedroom and settled onto his bed. Agnimukha’s mouth watered, and he couldn’t resist taking a bite of the king’s flesh, disregarding their agreement and the king’s conscious state. This act marked the turning point of their friendship.

The king, startled by the sharp pain, cried out for his servants, suspecting that he had been bitten. His call summoned a flurry of activity, as the servants rushed to inspect his bed.

In a desperate attempt to evade discovery, Agnimukha concealed himself in a corner of the bed. However, the vigilant servants soon discovered Mandavisarpini hiding among the folds of the sheets. Believing her to be the culprit, they swiftly eliminated her, putting an end to her life.

As Damanaka concluded his story, he imparted a valuable lesson, “Refrain from entertaining a person whose character is unknown. The bug was at fault, but instead, they killed the flea.”

The fable resonated with Pingalaka, prompting him to ponder its moral. Damanaka then shared a saying that reinforced the tale’s message, “He who forsakes his trusted allies and replaces them with outsiders shall meet a fate similar to King Kukudruma.”

The tale of Mandavisarpini the flea and Agnimukha the bug served as a reminder of the importance of trust, friendship, and the consequences of betraying them.


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